Contact us

Everett Pierce

7942 W. Bell Rd. Ste. C5-127

Glendale, AZ 85308-0931


Cell Phone:(602) 881-9349

Texting: (602) 881-9349




++ TEXT ME 24/7 ++


If you have an issue that needs resolved, text me anytime. Include your full name, picture of self (if possible), Your location, how you found out about US, or any other information that you find is inportant in helping me find the solution that is needed.


Describe your issue in details as best you are able of the WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and HOW MUCH in your text me.


This is your chance to test drive me and see what I can really do and accomplish. I DARE YOU!! YOU WILL THANK ME LATER!! take the leap of faith as I have done to you. Please allow me some time to think it over and respond back to you.



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